There are stigmas that are applied to dating in one’s middle years, that it’s somehow more difficult, that there is a smaller pool of ideal candidates to choose from, when in fact it’s an exciting time to hit the dating after 40 scene. That’s not to say going it on your own is easy, because it never is. Here are a few reasons why we think that dating after 40 is the most exciting and lucrative time to find a romantic life partner.
#1 They’ve had time to figure out what they want.
The first and most logical reason why dating after 40 can be so much more productive than it was earlier in life is this: by the time someone reaches that birthday, they usually have had a lot of experience in relationships. They may have had long-term relationships, a series of short ones, or even a marriage. They have a better understanding of what they’re looking for in a person, and future relationships. That makes dating them a whole lot easier, because there’s less fluff involved—it’s a much more straight forward dating scene.

#2 They have established careers.
Again, at this point in life, the type of executive individuals whom we cater to have solid careers. Typically, they’re done figuring that part of their life out, and have more time to dedicate to getting to know someone. It’s nice not having to fight your date’s career to find time with them, and it’s a huge perk to dating after 40.

#3 They’re…experienced.
Whether you find it comfortable to talk about or not, a couple’s sex life is hugely important to the general health of the relationship. Dating young can be especially difficult in this department, especially today, where the importance on a healthy, monogamous sex life has been diminishing in our youth. With time, though, we learn the importance of fun, active sexuality in our adulthood too, but for purposes other than those purely physical. We learn that—through being the best partner, sexually speaking, that we can be—our relationships are brought to new levels of intimacy, romance and passion. Don’t believe the lie that passion is for the young—true passion is for those who’ve learned what they want, and understand the importance of being an energetic sexual partner.

#4 Little-to-no baggage.
This can’t be made as an all-encompassing statement, obviously—everyone’s situation is different. We’ve all had hurts in the past, and having a little emotional baggage doesn’t mean that you’re broken, or shouldn’t date. Yet someone over 40 has had time to reflect on their past relationships, and have probably learned a lot from all that painful stuff they went through. They have a better understanding of how to approach different scenarios that pop up throughout an intimate relationship, and what once may have turned into a heated fight instead becomes a calm discussion. Drama-free is always the way to go.

#5 The focus is on true companionship.
Some may choose to wait until their 40s or 50s to have children, but typically by this time they have either had children, or decided that they don’t want to have any. We tend to feel more and more pressure to find a partner the older we get, but it should be the opposite. The normal pressures that come along with a relationship are the desire for children, financial security, and marriage. But, if this person your dating has already had all that, the focus of your relationship is on nothing else but companionship; spending time together to improve that one relationship alone. Often, this leads to a level of intimacy that younger couples find very difficult to achieve.

One of the deadliest traps we can fall into is the mentality that we’re too old to fall in love, too old to experience passion and romance, too old to have a vibrant sex life. If you’re breathing, it’s not too late to find someone to love, and who loves you. In fact, it just gets easier and easier the older you get, because you have more time to focus on growing that love with your partner. Maybe you’re getting a little grey in your hair, but that’s your silver lining (pun intended). This is the time to find the one, and to foster and nurture that romance into something beautiful. Don’t just take my advice—give us a call anytime, and we’ll show you the life you could be living.
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